Saturday 25 July 2015


In a few billion years, When...
The Sun fades away in sepia oblivion

When the world ceases to be...
And all else will have perished.

When there is nothing, but
Dark desolate solitude

And, Silence is the only sound,
Reverberating like a spray of broken glass,
through eternity...

When the moon never wanes,
And shadows are deeper than souls

When the Time never ends....

I think,
In that Time of Ruin...
A Piece of Me will still be...
Lost in time and lost in thought, 
Shattered in oblivion

And, Then...

If the memory of 'YOU'  casts itself in
The desert of my dreams or reverie...

Just a moment of remembrance! Perhaps......

The Sun would ignite again in its full glory,
The world will start again, with a bang,
Just like my Longing for YOU....

For, Its on the sorrow of our separation, 
This universe floats upon... 

Sunday 5 July 2015

Bound by Thoughts

एक ख्याल की दूरी पे है तेरा वजूद 
कहते हैं खुदा भी एक ख्याल है !

At a distance of thought is ... 
They Say God is Also a thought !!

#God is Love #Love is God and beyond #Its the doorway and the hall