Friday 18 May 2012

Gravity Always Wins !

 Sinking Down !
  Feeling the Might of Gravity

Just want to hit the Bottom
Bleed ! and transcend
To that exotic place
of  Darkness and Infinite Ignorance

But I see a Shadow cast
Over the deepest sacred shrines

And something within me
Has kept me in limbo !
For many journeys through Centuries

Who says ? Gravity always Wins !!

Perhaps ! at the Unforeseeable  End .....


  1. impressive writting...well written..

  2. Thanx for the appreciation and insight :)

  3. As i understand this : you talk about the countless visits a soul makes to the earth, and every time it is about to be convinced of the might gravity has ,and of the inevitable fall that every single thing in the world is prone to ,but it always finds itself surviving and not succumbing to the power of gravity!Though it does not rule out THE one day when it MAY not overcome the pull!

    @Poetry: Concise yet very meaningful! probably, thats the beauty of it. :)

  4. @PP thanx for the kind words :))
    Amit : Thats a beautiful interpretation and an apt one :)

    and by resistance i meant the ego . we try to resist the flow (Gravity) with our ego and if we probably go with the flow salvation or nirvana can be attained but countless births r wasted by our resistance , keeping us in limbo !

  5. Gurudev :Wow! I was almost certain that my interpretation is not what Gurudev might have thought ! How can i not look at the tags! Poor me! :(

    An awesome write and a powerful theme ,indeed! :)

  6. @Amit Again there can be many interpretations of a poem and i found a new one in yours previous comment that added to the range and sense of poem :)

  7. Amazed the way u have imagined and written this one!!
    hats off !!keep writing!

    1. @Gaurav Thanx for the read and appreciation ...

      See u around :)

  8. Yaar,,, u r just too good at this.

    You just put all of your emotions and feelings into it,.

    See I think words cannot really express what I am feeling rite now after reading this. You are a superb writer and a great thinker. Just don't stop writing really it helps us to learn so much from you

    1. Oh ! Thanx for such lavishing praise!

      You know that state ....
      ... beyond understanding , which u cant fathom and express
      that is most beautiful experience one can have in life

      True art is beyond senses and so is its understanding!

      Ironically,You understand when you are beyond understanding !!

      U get Just a fleeting Glimpse rather... off Beauty, happiness...

      Perhaps u experienced it...

      Thanks :)

  9. the art along with the antithetic opinion on gravity! The fall of mankind due to its selfish ego and the flow guided by gravity! Such sparkling poetry this!
