Tuesday 27 November 2012

The Last Rain!

वो  सिलसिला , तुम्हारे आने जाने का 
   थम गया था उस बारिश के बाद 
उस शाम जब छोड़कर गए थे तुम 
                                ये  मकाँ
हवा नम  थी , सबकुछ भारी सा था 
 शायद तुम्हारे क़दमों की आहट भी. 

तभी तो , गहरे निशां  पड़े थे  
       पैरों के,लॉन  की जमीन पर....... 
बारिश का मटमैला पानी जमा हो गया था उन गड्ढो में 
रिसता हुआ उतर गया है ....
रूह की घाटियों से लेकर आँखों के छितिज तक.

सब कुछ बर्बाद हुआ है इस तलक!
शर्ट की बायीं जेब में ,
 एक तस्वीर जो छुपा रखी थी...
     तुम्हारी नजरो से ,
बीते वक़्त के साथ उसमे सीलन लग चली है.

वो गड्ढे आज भी नजर आते हैं आँखों में 
सहेज रखा है तेरी यादों की तरह 
धुंधली! धब्बेदार! 
गोया चाँद हो मेरी रातों का....

मुद्दतें गुजरीं, 
ना तुम आये न बारिश 
पर नमीं गयी नहीं ,शायद!! , उन गड्ढों से 
और वो शाम जवां न हो पाई फिर 
इंतज़ार था उसे भी शायद किसी का...... 

 मेरी तरह !!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Saudade !

See a desert in my side 
And, all I behold is brown
Moon is brown and the Sky
Cause after You are gone
All that remained is...
The Sand and Foam!

Wave of life is missing
For the Sand, Sea is reaching
But I lie shattered in the Grey Oblivion
Too far from the Blue desert
Perhaps to save the Shadows....
And, The Sand and Foam.

All, I embraced was the  Love
Alas! I never Embraced Thee
Running for the Shadows,
Chained to the Horizons,
Crying for the Moon, Celestial Love
My Dreams stampede you in the turmoil
And in this hour of departure 
I long for The Sand and Foam.


YOU summon me in this dry hour
You raise yourself to me
Ah ! I do not know how I could contain You
In the earth of My soul, in the cross of my arms!

Or in the Desert of my fervent Dreams!

For, the Love is ever incomplete....
And you and me,
Like the incomplete breath of Unfinished kiss.
   Cause You come and go
And Toils are great, but in vain
Of the Sand to contain...
Without cease, I seize your Remains
But moments pass, and The Foam is gone...
   A stroke of wind blows The Sand away.
Who says Time is a healer ??  

Entangled on The Parting of worlds
But how do I meet Thee?
For Thou livest in Infinite depths.
Like the sand, I wander with the crazy wind

oh ignorant! my craving for the light
But the Sun is eclipsed and the vision skewed,

All that I see is a dark Horizon...
And everything sank,  in the Sand and Foam.

You rise from the lost horizon...
But I am the Lost discoverer!
Wounded and blinded soul,
In the black solitude of the Islands,
My Dreams in exile!

Oh deserted me! you are far
Farther than all,
You are the un-worshipped deity,
And I am the yet un-offered flower of your ruined temple.

In the Depths, On the Shore
We lie in deathless neglect!
Oh abandoned me! But I feel your Thirst 
With every coming tide..
You fill my frail vessel.

Like the emptiness of sand,
My Voyage of Longing.
But my love for foam, In you my longing fell
My Destiny! In you everything sank.

Who can fathom whose longing's more?
Off the sand of endless shore!
Or the foam of infinite Sea!

Thou have filled me with the greatest sea,
Such is Thy love for me.
I Know not, but I keep it in the shrines
Like the wait of (over) an Unborn Tear...
Life is an endless Saudade,
Of What ?? You ! Love !
Or The Sand and Foam !!! 


Friday 18 May 2012

Gravity Always Wins !

 Sinking Down !
  Feeling the Might of Gravity

Just want to hit the Bottom
Bleed ! and transcend
To that exotic place
of  Darkness and Infinite Ignorance

But I see a Shadow cast
Over the deepest sacred shrines

And something within me
Has kept me in limbo !
For many journeys through Centuries

Who says ? Gravity always Wins !!

Perhaps ! at the Unforeseeable  End .....

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Waiting For The Rain.........



I have seen the colors of your eyes
clear and bright as blue skies
Let no shadows ever cast
And let there be no rain ....

sometimes when trying to kill d pain
A  haze grows on them
and the whole world becomes grey
 let there be no rain ...

Even if the world  turns into a yellow terrain
 I will walk the desert  (in vain)
and may i die of thirst and pain
looking in your eyes
waiting for the rain
But Let there be no rain......

Seeing the hint of a rain
I crave for resurrection
let me drink it from far
 all of me turns brown
let me die this time
For still, i can wander in your deep blue eyes
But I can't see a rain....
 let there be no rain .....